Kagerou Project Fan Game カゲロウプロジェクト

This is just a fan game, I don't own any right about song of artwork of the game, please for knowing more about the Kagerou Project refer directly to the IA official website. Music is work of Jin. Art made by shidu.

Video / Screen

About the game
This is a simple rhythmic game, use the arrows or the buttons A-G-L to play by catching the orange dots on time. Listen carefully to the song and let it guide you to the end of the level!
There are many songs in this game, to unlock them all you have to get at least an A in each of the first level in hard mode. To unlock hard++ mode you have to get an S rank in hard mode for each song.
You'll find info about the singer of the song in the menu, most of the songs are performed by JubyPhonic.

Download Links
Windows Version 1.8

- Are you still working on the game? There will ever be song X? When will be the next update?
As far as I like to work on this game I feel the necessity to move on and work on something else, I think I'll enjoy to work on it sooner or later again, but I don't know when.

- Where is the Android/iOS version?
I don't know if there'll ever be an iOS version since I don't own a mac I can't build the game for any apple product. Regarding the android version, I added it in the download links, but it's really outdated, I don't think Jin will ever grant me permission to publish it on google play, since he ignored all my emails.

- How the hell do I use this .apk?
You need to give your device permission to install not firmed apks, then put mekaku.apk into your device, install and play.

- I really like the game! How can I help you?
I've a donation button and other app in the market, keep following my works, I'll do my best to make some other new stuff. Thanks for supporting me.

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